The Holy Land…one of my favorite places in the world. From the minute your feet hit the ground, if feels like coming home.
Israel was home to my family in 1956. I was 6 years old and we were there because my dad, Lester Sumrall, was studying prophecy and was lecturing in and around Jerusalem. After we arrived, the Sinai War broke out. We were living in a brand new hotel in Jerusalem. What an interesting time to take your family to the Middle East! As usual, my dad did not make decisions based on fear and even in the middle of the war, we were safe and my memories are happy ones.
That’s one of the beautiful things about Israel…even in the midst of an intense political climate, there is an undeniable peace.
One of my favorite spots in Israel is the Sea of Galilee. Taking a boat ride to the the middle of the sea is a highlight of our tour. You can feel the very tangible presence of Jesus and it’s easy to imagine what it would have been like to be a disciple on a boat in the middle of the storm. Jesus spoke peace to the atmosphere in that very spot. Wow! What an amazing thing to be right where Jesus walked and talked.

As believers, so much prophecy will be fulfilled from the Holy Land. It is a unique place with a unique past, present, and future for us as the body of Christ.
I would love for you to follow along on our journey as Provident Ministries tours the Holy Land. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram (@stevesumrall50). Better yet, I would love to see YOU next year in Jerusalem with us!