Up from the grave

Up from the grave

Spring is here! According to the calendar, it has been here for almost a month, but here in Indiana it hasn’t felt like it until this week. I love this season, it leads to my all time favorite Sunday, Resurrection Sunday!

That old hymn, “Up from the grave He arose!” is one of my all time favorites and I always look forward to singing it and rejoicing Easter Sunday. HE IS RISEN! He is alive and because He lives, we can have eternal life!

I want to encourage you this Easter season to live your life to the fullest in HIM. To step out in faith with what God is calling you to do. Maybe it’s to ask a co-worker or family member to church, maybe it’s to change career paths, whatever you feel the Lord telling you to do, just do it! Take that leap of faith and press forward! He arose and because He arose we can live life victoriously!