The Apex

The Apex

What an amazing three days we spent in fellowship and worship during Summit 2014. As Pastor Diane said, “Again the Lord led us to the apex of the mountain, that highest level of meeting with Him in worship and the word.”

We had a packed house as Jesse Duplantis and Jess Gibson shared their wisdom with us. We celebrated in song with Paul Wilbur as he also spoke about receiving revelation from the Lord. We discovered that “passion makes a difference and causes us to come fully alive with the realization of vision and purpose,” as Jess said. “Passion moves us from where we are to where God wants us to be. And He uses ordinary people who choose to be uncommon, because of their commitment to Christ!”




While the adults heard of wisdom and learned of understanding, knowledge and revelation, the children engaged in age-appropriate ministry, surrounded by caring adults who taught them about five values from the parables of Jesus.


This was an incredible weekend for all. Thank you to everyone who attended. It was great seeing Provident Network members from across the country. What a special opportunity to spend time in worship with you.


As I continue to reflect back on this apex moment we shared, I can’t help but look forward to our Israel trip next March. Just as each Summit changes me and deepens my understanding of God, Israel has a way of helping us understand Christ in an even more real and tangible way. I hope you’ll join us in 2015.

In the meantime, remember what Jess said, “People will follow you into the kingdom of God when they see fire and an authentic life lived with God.” So let us be on fire and live with authenticity, so that others may reach the kingdom.