Don’t let fear stop you.

Don’t let fear stop you.

Many resolutions are made at the start of a new year, but according to research, most people abandon their resolutions after only 45 days.

All the things we said we were going to do: loose weight, eat healthy, spend more time with family, be a better husband or wife, love and teach our children better, these are all good intentions but we often find ourselves falling short of the goal, and we soon quit trying.

Winston Churchill once famously said, “Never, never, never give up.”  My father, Dr. Sumrall once said, “I did not quit. I had many opportunities, but I passed them all up.”

When we are discouraged and it seems like the goal line is out of reach, we need to pass up the opportunity to quit! Never give up!

Hebrews 10:36 says, “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all he has promised.”
“Don’t become weary in well doing for in due season you will reap a reward.”
(Gal 6:9).

People often give up on resolutions because of the fear of failure. It is easier to give up. Stay away from fear; it is a dream killer. Remember the words of I Timothy 1:7 and recite it to yourself over and over again, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling me.” (Phil 3:14).

Press on, pass up those opportunities to quit, and never give up.