Category: Blog


Autumn is here and we’ve had a busy few months at Christ Chapel. Time seems to speed up between the months of September – December.

We’ve started a new series on Sunday mornings called ROOTS: discovering our spiritual heritage. It has been wonderful learning together about our nation’s spiritual history and committing to 40 days of prayer for our nation.

Feeding The Nations is off to a fantastic fall season as well. One of our projects for the month of October is the nation of Israel. We are partnering with a group in Israel to bring food assistance to Holocaust survivors and their families. For more information on how you can help, please visit

Word of Life’s Europe Conference

This week I head to Sweden to be part of Word of Life’s Europe Conference I have been blessed to be asked to speak for last 16 years. The conference is always very inspiring, it is great to hear what the Lord is doing around the world! It is always wonderful to see our Swedish friends, Pastor Ulf Ekman and Carl Severin and their families again. The conference is always available to watch live, via Word of Life’s website, I strongly encourage you to watch, you will be greatly encouraged.

God Bless,

Pastor Steve